I hate what he has done to me
So I knew this wasn't going to be a linear process, that there would forward steps, backward steps and loop the loops in-between. I'm troubled by the unpredictability of the roller coaster, it's like I've lost control of myself. As a self confessed control-freak that is not good. Tuesday I went to work as normal, and was fine, did clinics all day and coped. Yesterday, I woke with a sense of foreboding and the anxiety was rising even as I stepped in the shower. By the time I was setting up my clinic room my heart was racing and I was having to do breathing exercises. Looking at my first patient's records I could barely concentrate on what I was reading, which made the panic worse as now I was worried about making a mistake. I managed to see two patients and had the rest sent home, where I quickly headed also at 10.30am. 90 minutes I managed, out of an eight hour day. Walking back to my car in tears I told Mark how much I hated what he...