Who'd have thought buying next year's calendar would be a trigger? Well, I didn't. Perhaps I should have.  Thinking back, new year 2012 was awful for us both, as we felt like we were leaving "Bertie's year" behind us. For whatever reason, I hadn't though of that this time.  Anyway, standing infront of a selection of calendars the gut-punch hit me:  I don't need a "family planner" any more. There won't be a "daddy" column in 2022. Shit. 

I usually spend some time choosing a calendar- I've got to put up with it all year afterall.  I'm a calendar girl (not that kind!) I like to write stuff down and have it on the kitchen wall- I don't use my phone at all.  It was an ongoing marital bicker between Mark and I- he used google calendar and I used the wall calendar. If our stuff wasn't on the other's preferred format it wasn't happening- which got us into a few scrapes and double bookings over the last few years!  Today I couldn't choose carefully.  Fighting back the tears I grabbed a slimline Whinnie the Pooh thing with twee quotes about life- it was more appealing than kittens or puppies.   That'll do I thought. Who cares anyway, it's not like my social calendar is going to be overspilling.   Get home and start to fill in the few things that have cropped up for next year.  Gah! I'm already missing that second column for "notes" or to facilitate separating Oliver's and my things.  

Seems like I do need a family planner afterall, We are still a family albeit a tiny one.  Maybe I'll go back and get a "his n her's" calendar for Oliver and I.


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