The little white pills

After an honest chat with my GP including admitting the intrusive thoughts and being open about feeling overwhelmed, he agreed to prescribe a mild antidepressant to help. So I took my first half dose today. 

Mixed feelings. After Bertie died I was adamant I didn't want them. I was not depressed, I was grieving and I needed to feel it all and not walk around in a fog.

This time, I recognise there are elements of depression, and definite anxiety about the future. I don't have the luxury of hiding in bed all day this time, I'm a lone parent and Oliver needs me well and functioning. And beyond that, I don't want to just function, I want to enjoy our life together whilst he's still so small. I lost my early 30s to severe depression, I won't lose Oliver's single digit years too. I just won't allow it.

I'm nervous, as I'm told it gets worse before it gets better with SSRIs.... But forewarned is forearmed and I have my support army around me.  A few more regular check ins over the next couple of weeks would be great please. 

Three weeks to Marks interment.... So I'm hoping I'll be on a more even keel by then.

No pressure little white pills..... But I'm counting on you

Ps random thought. I'm not sure Mark would approve of me being so honest with you. But he's not here so tough.  I'll do me. 


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