
I'm swinging back and forth between intense anger and intense grief.  Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock....BOOM!  The emotions are big and yes, intense. It's not even really a rollercoaster, it's a pendulum, one extreme to the other.   There's a photo of the three of us taken last Christmas pinned to the fridge with a magnet.  Wednesday was an angry day so I turned it over. I didn't want to see him grinning at me every time I went to get milk for my tea.  

Anger was triggered by a rainbow. Yes, a friggin' rainbow. I was walking to school for Oliver's year one Christmas concert and as I got there saw it. A lovely beautiful rainbow appearing to end at school.  F off Mark. You should be here to see this, not sending me a rainbow. I wanted to scream.  But once again reset my face, put on the smile, joined the queue of excited parents and made small talk about how nervous we all were that our child wouldn't say their lines.   It was wonderful, I was grinning from ear to ear under my mask and clapped and gave him a double thumbs up from the both of us.  I shouldn't have to, but I did.  Because that's how life is now, a long litany of 'shouldn't have to's and trying to be two parents in one.  

No wonder I'm exhausted, 

I've hardly slept since Saturday. Every time I close my eyes I see myself putting his ashes in the ground. It's horrific. I'm wondering if I'm suffering PTSD, Maybe it's just to be expected.  Either way I'm doing everything I can for myself, I'm on the tablets, I'm having counseling, I'm "being kind to myself" whatever the hell that means. 

I'm celebrating my little wins, I ordered a new front door yesterday! My first proper, important grown up decision made alone.  Considering two weeks ago I was agonising over what mattress to buy Oliver, I'm pretty darn impressed with myself.  We will gloss over the two hours I spent yesterday panicking I'd made the wrong choice.....that's what being kind to myself looks like for me.


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