What would I say to her?
A Facebook memory came up today, a picture of me at Christmas 14 years ago. My first thought - wow she looks young was s quickly followed by the realisation that the picture pre dates the toughest decade of my life. 'She' isn't 'me'. She is untouched by grief and loss. She hasn't felt betrayal or abandonment. She is a newly wed with no idea that she will bury her baby and her husband before middle age.
I wondered what I would say to her if I could go back and visit her? Would I tell her of the unspeakable grief she had ahead of her? No. I would let her keep her innocence as long as she could. I think I would tell her to believe in herself more because she is a warrior. That life is short so seize every opportunity. To make plans but hold them lightly because life so rarely goes to plan. Talk to God more, lean on Him because He knows she's really going to need Him. To care less about what other people think of her. Because the truth is most think a lot more highly of her than she does of herself. She will experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in her life and both will shape her into a person she wouldn't recognise right now.
I'd tell her to hang in there through it all. Keep walking. She's a survivor.
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