Way maker

Today I took a walk with a Christian friend, also once widowed, further along and wiser than me.  I confided my desire to retrain as a counsellor, and that I feel strongly convicted that it is the right path but was concerned about the logistics as a lot of courses appear to be run in the evening, which I can't now do.   But, if its right God will make a way I told her, more confidently than I felt.

She told me that she thinks it's a brilliant idea, that I'd be awesome, and God will indeed make a way.   Such a faith enhancing response after a few raised eyebrows, suprised faces and even one wince when I've confided this plan before.  

Tonight's devotional gave me this quote which I felt compelled to write in my self esteem journal, followed below by the lyrics of one of my favourite worship songs. 

He will carve a path for me. 


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