On doing it all

 How was your day? Today I've dropped Oliver to school, had a plumber in (so granted not physical work for me)cleaned out the fish tank, fed the cat, done and dried 2 loads of washing, planned meals for the week, done the weekly shop involving two supermarkets to get everything we need at the best possible price, used u switch to try and find a better broadband deal as ours is really expensive, collected Oliver from school, rushed him home to brush teeth then straight out to dentist. (his teeth are fine, I need a filling 🙄) dealt with his sadness (sulk) at getting a spiderman sticker (his favourite superhero) because apparently he wanted a batman one and sadly the dentist wasn't a mind reader. Provided endless snacks becuase 'mummy I'm still hungry'. Cooked from scratch, loaded the dishwasher, fed the cat again and mowed the lawn. Now I'm sat trying to engage with him playing a mindless game on his tablet becuase we haven't actually connected today on a meaningful level yet and it's nearly bedtime. I have work tomorrow afternoon and just feeling totally overwhelmed at thought. I just can't function at the level I used to at work. My manager has created and added me to yet another work wattsapp group, this one for 'ophthalmology managers'. I'm already in Optometry, Optometry Leads and Eye Support Leads. This just feels like Another Thing I Have To Do.  Be available. 24/7. For everything. I could just cry. Utterly exhausted.


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