Easter Saturday

I'm sat on a bench in dappled shade in the church yard of the church Mark and I were married in.  The breeze is blowing gently, it is unseasonably warm for April. The only sound is birdsong. In front of me I can see Mark's grave, to my right is Bertie's; God's house is behind me. As the tears fall I'm thanking God for sunglasses. How apt to be here on Easter Saturday, the day between death and resurrection. The day of dispair, grief, confusion, anxiety. The day of 'what just happened?' and of 'where do we go from here?' the day the world lives in now as we wait for Christ's return. The day my life is in now.

As I sat here just now, weeping and crying out to God to help me I was imagining Bertie and Mark sat either side of me in a family hug. I became aware of The Lord telling me that He has felt everything I feel. He has experienced betrayal, grief, fear, loss and righteous anger. He has been broken in body and spirit.  He knows. His heart breaks with mine.

One most human and  relatable verses in the bible is also the shortest:

John 11:35. Jesus wept.

But he also forgave..again and again and again. Mark, me, you, us all. My human heart needs help with that bit.  

I'm thankful that I don't have to grieve like those who do not hope.   I'm so grateful for my faith and the assurances it gives me.  

But still I will weep. 


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