Turning it around
So, yesterday. You couldn't make it up! It was one thing after another: 7am email from the coroner's officer to say the inquest has to be postponed as not all the evidence is back. Not a good start to the day this triggered all sorts of feelings of frustration, disappointment. Trauma going on and on, what about work? I'd been thinking return after the inquest but now that's delayed....... 9am: Roofer arrives to see what the cause of my leak is. Turns out the join between mine and the neighbours' roof is a bad job.......however, neighbours' roof is in a terrible state and in his words 'I can improve the join, but it'd be like making a silk purse out of a pigs ear, I couldn't guarantee it". Marvellous now I have to ask the neighbours to get a new roof in order to stop my bedroom ceiling falling in? 10am decide to stick to our plan of train to Liverpool to go to the world museum. Scrape side of car on a low wall in the station car park. Say ...